Monday, August 15, 2011

Free Giveaway!!!!!!

Photo Source:Amazon

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I know that organic foods are not cheap but I don't want you to be discouraged from making healthy choices. Promise me you'll start buying at farmers markets. You may not see big organic signs all over the place that say certified organic but if you talk to some of the vendors, you'll be pleasantly surprised that they are indeed organic. It's Very expensive as a farmer to become certified organic. Plus you can find out where your food comes from and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. Buy in bulk! I bought at the farmers market in Union Square in NYC last week a 2 pound bag of organic black beans for 6 dollars. 2 pounds of beans will last you a while, much longer then a pound of meat. By cutting back on meat and dairy, meaning you don't have to eat it every day, you'll save money. Beans and quinoa are cheaper than meat and cheese. And please try to stay away from things that come out of a package. If I'm not mistaken cereal is up to 6.00 a box?? Make smoothies or oatmeal for breakfast. A pound of organic oats are much cheaper than 6.00. And healthier. Think about joining a CSA at the beginning of next summer. Most of them have payment plans. My CSA came out to be 9.00 a week for a box of organic veggies. Or you can always try growing your own. My sister-in-law and mother-in-law have a great garden of fresh organic veggies. Small changes can add up to something big. And remember EAT REAL FOOD. Eat lots of veggies and fruit, I promise you'll start to feel better all over.

I hope your getting the idea by now. But I want to leave you with one last thought. Pay a bit more for your food but EAT LESS.

OK! Ready for the giveaway??!?! Please leave in comments 1 thing you will start to change today to eat healthier. Maybe giving up soda? Or cutting back on packaged snacks for the kiddos. Or going vegan two days a week??? Winner will be picked at random by Wed morning and I will ship book out Thursday. Please check back on Wed when I announce winner so I can  email you for your shipping info. Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. I am a vegetarian for more than 20 years. One thing I will start to change today to eat healthier is to stop buying milk and eggs as my first start to be a vegan.
